Author Archives: The Student QS

About The Student QS

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You can go/ return natural by either transitioning or big chopping. For the newbies in the group, welcome! Transitioning is growing out your natural hair, while only trimming the damaged parts, until you’re all natural. Big chopping is, well, picking up the scissors and cutting your hair to any size between bald and a TWA of about 2-3 inches. I big chopped, and I’m here to tell you what your experience might be.

You will look different

Regardless of how long your hair was, once you big chop, you will look different. Hair frames your face according to how you style it. Having no hair will frame your face differently as well. For some, they love their new look and embrace it. For others, they feel the need to use more makeup or accessories. Others will want to cover up. Either way, embrace your journey! It is a way of challenging your inner confidence. Is your confidence tied to your looks? Because it shouldn’t.

You will feel different

This is especially for those of us who don’t experiment much. If you’re used to having your hair one way or at a certain length, having shorter hair may strike something on the inside. Like I alluded, my confidence was tried and tested. I had to be confident regardless of how different I looked. I had more bad hair days than good but I still had to show up. Prepare to feel different and to work on some stuff on the inside.

Styling won’t get easier

The good news is you will use less products and your wash days will be incredibly shorter. But styling shorter hair is not necessarily easier. Your hair may be too short for a braid out or too short for braiding in general. Defining or sleeking down short hair can be a tideous task. Hope for the best, prepare for anything.

Your curl pattern may not be what you expect

If this is the first time you are going natural, your curl pattern may surprise you. When your natural hair is growing out, it’s being weighed down by the damaged/ relaxed hair and this causes it to elongate. For example, an elongated 4c coil may appear like a 4a coil. Be ready to embrace the curls and coils.

Your hair will not grow as fast as you may anticipate

Using Youtuber’s length checks as your benchmark can be quite frustrating. In an year or two, your hair might not be down your spine, and that’s okay. Again, shrinkage can be savage. Your hair could seem like it’s stuck at the same length for months, but it’s just shrunken.

Pro tips

  • Embrace the length, the look, the struggle, everything! You’ll be out of it faster than you know it and you might miss it.
  • Experiment! Try new products and techniques. If you’ve been itching to colour your hair, do it now!
  • Short hair is sexy, period! Short hair is gorgeous, stunning and it can make quite a statement.
  • Document it, take photos, lots of them.

All the best!


I graduated! Yaaay! I’m officially a Quantity Surveying graduate. Yes!

Usually, on a big day such as my graduation, I’d straighten my hair or wear braids. However, I made the decision to wear my natural hair out on my graduation day because in my opinion, natural hair is just as beautiful as straight hair or braids or wigs. It was a big deal for me. I know that most people would choose to wear wigs because it’s easier to fit in the graduation cap (Chizi Duru has a youtube tutorial on fitting your natural hair in a cap) or it’s easier to maintain it throughout the day. I totally get it, and I agree! I have short hair which will get frizzy within minutes of styling. On top of that it shrinks (up to 30%). This can be very frustrating on a day where you want to look your best throughout.

Tip 1: Find a low maintenance style that caters for the characteristics of your hair.

Since my hair is short, medium to low density and loves frizz, I figured that the style I wear has to suite this. On photoshoot day, I went with a frohawk. With frohawks, I don’t have to worry about shrinkage, in fact, the more the shrinkage, the better. Definition was also not really as important as it would have been had I worn a braid out or twist out. And that’s my first hack.


Tip 2: Bobby Pins

Pins! Pins! Pins! Regardless of your hair characteristics, it’s bound to move around during the day. You’ll be out in the sun/ humidity and you’ll be hugging people etc. You need to try and maintain how you positioned your hair so that it frames your face the same way throughout the day. It doesn’t have to be pins, you can use ties or clips, whatever works for you.

Pins help frame your face

Tip 3: Roll and tuck

On the actual day of my graduation, I wanted a hairstyle that was elegant and different. I didn’t want the every day braid out, twist out or afro. I really think the most elegant way to wear natural hair for big events is in an up do. You don’t have to go to the salon, all you need is some gel and some pins. Stretch out your hair, roll it and tuck it. There are many tutorials on YouTube for this.

Roll and tuck updo

I really challenge you to wear your natural hair out on your graduation, wedding day, baby shower, TV interview, photoshoot or whatever your definition of big day is. Your hair is elegant enough!


The Dark and Lovely shampoo is very popular in Kenya, Africa generally and beyond. It’s not the cheapest shampoo on the shelf but it isn’t the most expensive either. The reason I decided to try it out myself and review it, is because most reviews out there are sponsored and have the potential to be biased. So what was my experience?


I judge the performance of a shampoo based on how well it cleans vs how stripping it is. This shampoo contains sulfates/ sulphates which helps in cleaning your hair. They can also overdo it and strip out natural oils, leaving your hair brittle, tangled and dry. That’s why people do not like sulfate shampoos. With the Dark and Lovely shampoo, my hair was definitely cleaned. My hair didn’t necessarily feel brittle and dry, but it wasn’t moisturized. If you are looking to have moisturized hair after using this shampoo, please prepoo with an oil or conditioner. I would rate it’s performance 4/ 5.


If you’ve checked out any of my previous reviews (you can check them out here), I used to be in denial about how much the scent of a product affects my perception of it. I have now fully accepted that scents play a big role for me. That said, this shampoo has the best scent ever. I’ve never had a hair product smell so good, damn! It smells of delicious mango juice and I can’t get enough of it. I’d rate the scent 5/5.


The shampoo has a sticky consistency, which is a good sign. A sticky shampoo is not likely to dry your hair. This shampoo also surds up real quick meaning you do not have to use a tonne of it. It’s consistency promises to last a long time. I’d rate it 4.5/5.


I love it’s nozzle. It’s not the press up/ down nozzle. It has an opening which you simply flip and press. I make a big deal about this because some shampoos are really difficult to handle with slippery hands. I also appreciate that the bottle is transparent so I can see how much is left. I’d rate it 4/5.


While my holy grail shampoo remains to be African Black Soap, I will always keep the Dark and Lovely shampoo close to me. It smells amazing and does what it’s supposed to do. If you do not like the inconvenience of preparing your own black soap, this would be an awesome alternative.

Thank you for reading today’s blog!


The Royal Botanical Marrow is an emergency hair treatment, recommended for people with damaged, relaxed or colour treated hair. Immediately I read that on the container I said to myself, ‘Nope, not for me sis!’ To make matters worse, it has little to no organic ingredients, and among those, parabens! All my red flags were up. I tried to do a bit of research on it’s performance on natural hair but all of it’s users seemed to have relaxed hair. So I decided to take one for the team and try it out. Spoiler: I was shocked!


This is by far the best deep conditioner I have used in a long time. I applied it in the shower then I rinsed it off after 10 minutes. My curls were defined (a sign of moisturized hair), my hair felt so soft and the shine was everything. On top of that, the slip was amazing. I was running my fingers through with no difficulty whatsoever (mind you, I have 4b/ 4c hair). My hair absolutely loved whatever chemicals were in the concoction.


This conditioner is thick and creamy. It spreads quite easily and rinses off with no problems. Like I mentioned, despite it being on the heavy side, it gave me incredible slip. A little goes a long way. I can tell this stuff will last me months.


It smells like chocolate. The scent is very obvious and difficult to ignore. I absolutely loved it. Even after applying my leave in cream, the scent still came through.


If you’re like me, you get suspicious when deep conditioners are cheap. I always think I’ll get what I pay for. Well, this treatment is quite affordable. It goes for ksh350 (roughly $3.50). It performed better than most deep conditioners which cost me three times that amount.


The product is stated to be an emergency hair treatment for damaged hair. It also contains parabens. For this reason, I don’t recommend it’s daily or weekly use.

However, given it’s splendid performance I am definitely adding it to my stash. I will be using it every two to three weeks.

Thank you for reading today’s post!

Feel free to check out my other product reviews here.


We will review the Aunt Jackie’s leave in conditioner with respect to the following aspects:

  • Ingredients
  • Consistency
  • Claims vs performance
  • Packaging
  • Scent
  • Recommendations


The first ingredient is water which we love because it shows it’s super moisturizing. It has glycerin, a humectant, and other alcohols which will attract moisture to your hair. This is a good thing if you’re chasing moisture but a demerit if you want lasting crisp definition. The parfum is quite up in the list, meaning it can be very strong for some people. It also contains protein and therefore those who are sensitive to that may not enjoy it. Some natural ingredients include Shea butter, kernel oil, root extracts and olive oil. It is not a purely organic product but it has no mineral oil and no parabens.


While it is very runny, it does not disappear into the hair once applied. It is quite creamy in fact and I find that a little goes a long way. It is best applied on damp or wet hair.

Aunt Jackie’s leave in conditioner

Claims vs Performance

  1. Long lasting moisture. It definitely moisturizes and revives the coils of my hair. However, I won’t say it is long lasting, at least not by itself. I always accompanied it with a sealant. If you do so as well, you may need to re-moisturize after about 4 days (depending on your hair). That may be long lasting to some, and not to others.
  2. Slip. Yesss! I enjoyed the slip I got from this product. I don’t use combs that often but I know a wide toothed comb would run down my hair with no problems if I tried.
  3. Softness. Like I alluded, it is very moisturizing and therefore the curls are revived. My hair definitely felt soft to the touch.
  4. Eliminate dryness without a heavy feel. About this claim, it’s debatable. Although it claims not to have mineral oil, there was a subtle greasy feeling. My hair was not weighed down but there was definitely something greasy.


It could be better. The lid can be difficult to open and shut when your fingers are slippery in the shower. It’s also easy to break. I really appreciate the ‘press down to open’ type of nozzle/ lid.


Like I mentioned, the parfum is quite high in the list of ingredients. It has a strong scent that is very obvious. My friend described the smell to be like that of a cough syrup, and I don’t disagree. However, the more I use it the more it grows on me.


I’d recommend it as one to be applied in the shower, immediately after you’re done with washday. I wouldn’t recommend it’s use on dry hair. It is also too ‘greasy’ to be used before blow drying.

It is a great leave in but unfortunately, I have others that are more affordable and they perform better. I will still use up the bottle but I’m not sure I will be repurchasing it. Please feel free to share your reviews with me in the comments below or on my Instagram.

Check out my review of the TCB leave in treatment.


Consistency is key! That is one of the most common pieces of advice given to us by the gurus. I don’t disagree. However, what worked for me in my Tinny Winny Afro stage is just not cutting it any more. I don’t have waist length hair (yet) but I’ve had enough experience to try and convince you that Consistency is not always key.

Over the period of about three years, I’ve had to switch it up a couple of times due to the following reasons:

  • My hair is longer. Shorter hair can be high maintenance in terms of styling. However, on wash days, longer hair can be the absolute ghetto. I cannot afford the time to do the same things I was doing back then.
  • I got busy! When I started my journey in early 2018, I was in university. I had time. Now, I’m done with school and I’m doing ‘big people stuff’. I hardly have the energy, let alone time, to deal with my hair.
  • Consistency can be boring. You’ll never know what works until you try what doesn’t. I got bored of doing the same thing over and over so I switched it up and loved it.

Now let’s talk about what I’m changing/ I’ve changed. Disclaimer! Over here we believe in doing what works for you. These are just suggestions. Okay? Okay, let’s get down to business.

Frequency of Washday

Can we talk about how our excitement in the early stages saw us wash our hair almost everyday? Lol! I used to wash my hair very often. And that was okay because it’d take me no more than thirty minutes. Nowadays, the thought of what awaits me during wash day is exhausting by itself. On a good month I’ll wash my hair after two weeks. On a typical month, after three weeks. I try not to go more than a month but if it happens, it happens.


I would style my hair every single day. This is because I would wear wash and gos. I changed it to styling twice a week, which is the ‘ideal’. I then moved to a phase where I’d style it once on wash day, wear it out for a week, then wash. Nowadays, I wear a lot of protective styles as explained below, and therefore we can say I style it once in three to four weeks I guess.

How I wear my hair

As I said I started with wash and gos which quickly evolved to afros and afro hawks. Loved these days! My hair got too big and too dramatic for afros so I started wearing braidouts and flat twist outs. Then I went to the infamous puffs. Nowadays, I rock protective styles all the time. This is not really because I want my hair to grow longer, I just don’t want to deal with it.

Going Forward

In the coming year, I think I’ll incorporate heat in my regimen. Styling natural hair while working in the corporate field can be quite the challenge. I expect to tuck my hair away majority of the times and blow dry it if I intend on wearing it out. I might sneak in salon visits (haven’t been there for years, lol). I want to be pampered and have someone do the job for once. The last thing I’m really gravitating towards is the good old conditioner. Like I said, the easier wash day gets, the happier sis is.

There we have it! Thank you so much for reading this post. Feel free to engage me on the comments or on my Instagram.

Peep my other posts here!



I’ve tried different oils this year for prepoo. The winner for me is still good old coconut oil. With coconut oil, it’s either you love it or you don’t. I obviously do. I have also tried different ways of application, that being overnight and other times about 30 minutes before washing my hair. I find that overnight application is the best.

Brand Recommendation: Kentaste Coconut Oil


Oh where do we begin? I have tried a tonne of different shampoo brands this year ranging from bars, to liquid, to clays and other DIYs. Something I have found myself doing is gravitating towards organic or natural shampoos. Again, with shampoos, you never really know how good one was until you get one that strips the life out of your hair. I loved shampoo bars because they lasted for a long time, however, storing them can be quite the headache. I loved liquid shampoos for their convenience of storage, however, it is easier to waste product. I loved the clays and the DIY (which for me was African Black Soap), however they have their cons as indicated in my previous post.

Brand Recommendations: Sheth Naturals Sheba Shampoo Bar, Camray Naturals Henna Shampoo, Essentials by Jane African Black Soap, Camray Naturals Bentonite Clay

ABS by Essentials by Jane
Sheba Shampoo Bar

Deep Conditioners

This is the year that saw me scrap out conditioners from my routine. It is a decision that I do not regret, however, the longer my hair grows and the busier my life gets, the more I want them back because deep conditioning takes too much time. That said, not using conditioners have allowed me to truly test out deep conditioners. A few stood out for me, others were just meh! I have to say though, when it comes to hair treatments, organic/natural formulas just didn’t cut it for me. Deep conditioners that had ingredients that were not necessarily natural, slapped different.

Brand Recommendations: Sheth Naturals Deep Conditioner, Mega growth Deep Conditioner, ORS Deep Conditioner (current fave)

ORS Hair Mayonnaise
Sheth Naturals Deep Conditioner

Leave In Creams/ Conditioners/ Stylers

Like I pointed out in my previous blog about products that are completely unnecessary, I put all these in the same category because as far as I am concerned they do the same thing. I have tried out sprays, thick butters, light runny milky leave ins and every other thing on the market. I had some pleasant surprises along the way. Some gave me insane hydration, others mad definition and others gave me much needed slip. I am still eyeing new ones, however, I definitely have my staples.

Brand Recommendations: Forgrac Naturals (moisture and mad definition), Sheba Curling Crème (definition), Camray Naturals Hair Growth Mist (Slip), Essentials by Jane Shea Butter (excellent sealant)

Forgrac Naturals
Shea Butter from Essentials by Jane


As I previously hinted, I love coconut oil as a prepoo. However, for styling I found Avocado oil to be very ‘moisturizing’ (quotes because oils are sealants). I still love peppermint especially for my protective styles and I’m still figuring out how I feel about black seed oil.

Brand Recommendation: Camray Naturals Avocado Oil

The Camray Haircare Range

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by any mentioned brand, it is my own opinion from my experience.

If you’re having trouble accessing any mentioned product, (this post) will be helpful or hit me up on my Instagram here and I’d be delighted to help.


Before you judge me, hear me out.

As I have gone through my natural hair journey, I have become more keen on the ingredients I want on my hair and those which I don’t. Where I can find organic and natural replacements to my store bought products, I have always opted for those.

This particular story happened back in Feb 2019. I was just about an year into being natural. I bought African black soap and Shea butter, both of which I love till date, especially for my skin. However, my initial reason for getting these products was for my hair and not skin.

With the black soap, the shampoo recipe only called for dissolving it in water but, there were YouTube videos that were more extra. They added oils to prevent stripping. I thought that was a genius move. So, I jumped on the bandwagon and started using the mixture as shampoo. The problem is, they never really explained what amount of soap was to be used for what amount of water. Unknown to me at the moment, my mixture was too dilute! There was too much water and oil as compared to the actual soap.

On top of that, being the hair- nerd that I am, I did intensive research on Shea butter and its benefits to natural hair. I was so excited and so I immediately decided to incorporate it as a sealant. Again, there was a problem, I was too heavy handed. I used chunks upon chunks and my hair was weighed down a lot.

On this particular week, I also decided to oil my scalp daily and give myself a massage. That’s what I saw in a ‘How to Grow Your Natural Hair’ YouTube video. Of course I was going to try it. A move I deeply regret. Here are other myths as told by influencers.

Now imagine a scalp that was heavily lathered in raw Shea butter and thoroughly oiled in a ‘daily massage’ routine for a week. Furthermore, this same scalp was being cleansed with an over diluted shampoo for about 3 weeks now. Gross, I know! What was I thinking!?

On the material day, I prepared my usual DIY shampoo and even recorded the process so that I could share it on Instagram. I hopped into the shower and as usual, shampooed my hair.

However, on finishing my shampooing process, I just sensed something was wrong. I rinsed the shampoo out and felt my scalp. It was slimy, it was SLIMY! I was freaking out. That feeling reminded me of how the scalp felt after getting burns from relaxers back in the day.

So let me paint the picture: I am in the shower, my scalp is SLIMY because of too much build up. My DIY ‘shampoo’ is not helping the situation and in any case, it was over at this point. I have no store bought shampoo in the house. I was not about to walk out of the shower like that.

So what did sis do? I got the nearest bar of soap available in the shower. I grabbed Dettol even tone bar soap, (ideally meant for the skin) and thoroughly cleaned my scalp, old school way. I knew it would strip my hair (and it did). I knew the small prickly stuff on the soap meant for exfoliating would break my hair (and they did). I knew my hair would be dry, seriously dry (and it was).

I didn’t really care, I wanted the build up gone.

This story time is not to tell you to wash your hair with bar soaps. This story is to share lessons I learnt that could prevent you from tripping like I did:

  • Be very careful with DIYs. Do your research and if you can, alternate it with store bought shampoos just to be safe. If you really love DIYs, at least get the measurements.
  • When using heavy sealants like Shea butter, be very light with it, whatever your porosity.
  • Always have store bought, holy grail products in hand, just in case. If you want to wash your hair and there’s no product in the house, you’re better off postponing the whole wash day.
  • Controversial one here; Bar soaps won’t kill you. If it’s what is around and it’s an emergency, use it sis.

This is a very light hearted post, so I hope it made you smile or laugh. Thanks for reading!

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Some History

Let’s start with a brief history. The natural hair movement started when people who had mostly type 4 hair found out how to really take care of kinky coily hair and decided to share it. Before then, people would usually either straighten/ relax their hair constantly or wear styles like braids, twists and others without really knowing how to take care of their hair in its natural state. When YouTube became popular, around 2009 and 2010, these ‘founders’ of the natural hair community had a bigger platform. They educated the masses on how to love and care for their hair. It was mostly techniques ie. ‘how to’. They would once in a while give product recommendations based on what worked for them and not who they are working for, if you catch my drift.

Where Things Went South

The movement was really growing. Most people chopped off their relaxed/ heat damaged hair. Those who already had natural hair were now well aware of how to take care of it. They were exposed to more options in terms of products and styling. While this was a good thing, it became bad when brands noticed this trend. People who had no interest in black hair, (some didn’t even have black hair, lol), jumped on the band wagon and started companies catered towards products for natural hair. They started paying or sponsoring these naturalistas on the internet to advertise their products. So what happened is, instead of the concentration being on how to educate masses (as it previously was), it was now on the money. How much money the brands could make from the community. How much money the influencers could make from the brands.

Examples of consumerism in the natural hair community

Brands started creating different lines of the same product, calling them different names and slapping a couple of dollars on them. For example, one brand would have a leave in cream, a leave in conditioner, a leave in treatment, a custard, a pudding, a styling cream, hair milk and a curl cream. They are all the same! They are all products used for styling hair, only difference is consistency and a few ingredients. You do not need all those, you only need one of those. The influencers were being paid to market them, so in one video or one post, they would use 3 to 4 of those, making you think you need them. Making you think that the style wouldn’t look as good unless you combine 2 of those. Why? The money!

It became so bad to the point where you’d see your fave, whose regimen used to be simple with honest recommendations for a few products, now use different products every wash day. They swear they love this new line but as soon as the sponsorship is over, you no longer see them using it.

Brands always take advantage of trends. There was this wave, around 2018, where people discovered organic products for their hair. I’m talking African black soap, bentonite clay, ayurveda, rice water etc. What did brands do? You guessed it! They started whole lines of their products with these stuff.

My Advice

Capitalism is here with us. Brands will always want to take advantage of the latest trends, influencers and ultimately us, the consumers. Our best survival tactic is to remember the basics. In my regimen I only need the following:

  1. Shampoo
  2. Deep conditioner
  3. Oil
  4. Styling product

Your list may have a conditioner, a heat protector or a gel depending on your routine. The point however is, regardless of how many new ranges of products come up, I always have my list. When they start a chebe shampoo, a rice water shampoo, a bentonite clay infused shampoo bar, a sulfate free shampoo etc, I know I only need one shampoo. So I can try one out, if I find something I like, I stick to it at least until the bottle is done. That’s how I hack it.

So please, always have your list. Try out new products when you want to and not because you feel like you have to. Never feel the pressure of getting a thousand products just because you’re natural.

Courtesy of

I would love to hear your thoughts on this. Please share them on my comments section. You can find my other blogs here and I’m on Instagram here.


As long as you have been on the YouTube streets, you know how much people rave about castor oil (of all types). It is said to radically improve the growth rate of your hair, bring back your edges and thicken the hair.

Naturally, I had to try it out. I was specifically targeting thick hair because my follicles are a bit sparse, so they might as well be sparse and thick. I did my research, as per usual and discovered it would grow out my lashes and brows as well. I have very bushy eyebrows and naturally full lashes but if I’m buying castor oil, I’m definitely taking those to the next level too, at least I thought.

I bought a bottle of it and was super excited to try it. I washed my hair, put it into braids (for a braidout) and oiled my scalp thoroughly with the oil. I liked the smell but I was surprised at how thick it was. I also put some on my lashes then went to bed.

After about an hour I woke up to the worst itching ever! My scalp was on fire. It was even warmer than usual to the touch. I quickly googled what to do and according to the first YouTube video I saw, they claimed that itching is a sign that it’s working. So I thought if I could just sleep through the night, I’d be fine in the morning. And with the way it’s itching, I was sure I’d wake up with very long and thick hair, lol!

It was a very difficult night. My scalp was so itchy, I kept tossing and turning. The more I scratched, the more sore it felt. At this point, I didn’t care about hair growth anymore, I just wanted it out of my scalp. When I woke up, I jumped into the shower and decided to rinse it off with warm water. I didn’t care how the braid out was going to turn out.

Big mistake! Warm water on a sore scalp is the worst pain ever. On top of that, the water spread out the castor oil to my neck and forehead so now I had more places to itch. My eyelids had small rashes, and needless to say at this point, they were sore and swollen.

Within a matter of hours, my entire face, scalp and neck had tiny rashes, became really red and sore, and were swollen. Not even my ear lobes were spared. I had exams that day so I had to brave it out. The rashes reduced over the next couple of days and I gave the castor oil to my sister who loves it and swears by it to date.

The number one lesson from this experience was to always test new products or oils at the back of my hand and neck first before using it on my entire scalp. I find that products with castor oil do not affect me, but the raw castor oil itself is a big no!

Thank you for reading today’s post. Here are some oils that work for me. You can find me on Instagram here.